-Stay organized and track your assignments with Kokuyo's Campus Study Planner! Use it to plan out homework, projects, study habits, and more.
-Weekly overview column with a to-do list and space to list the total time spent studying.
-Assignment lists for each day of the week with three columns for the subject, task, and completion status.
-Each page features the weekly overview column and 3 days of assignment lists on the left, with an additional 4 days on the right page. The sheets create a two-page spread to view the entire week.
-Blank space at the bottom of each column for notes, to-dos, or sketches.
-Weekly overview column with a to-do list and space to list the total time spent studying.
-Assignment lists for each day of the week with three columns for the subject, task, and completion status.
-Each page features the weekly overview column and 3 days of assignment lists on the left, with an additional 4 days on the right page. The sheets create a two-page spread to view the entire week.
-Blank space at the bottom of each column for notes, to-dos, or sketches.